Friday, June 3, 2011

You're Just to FAT!

before I met my husband and I was on birth control I was able to lose weight because my hormones were in check. Once I went off my birth control my hormones went crazy and I started gaining all the weight back, which increases the depression even more. I was told I should loose weight to help with TTC but that PCOS is going to make it extremely difficult to loose weight... So what do I do???

I have tired and tried, I have lost 10 pounds here 5 pounds there, i work out 4 or more times a week and I try to keep what I eat in check with one cheat day a week yet I still gain weight, and I get more and more depressed. Especially when you hear that people in the family are saying things that are not so nice about your weight... It makes me very self conscious and I don't want to eat around anyone. I want to loose weight but I seem to almost always be hungry, it's like the more depressed i get about the situation the more I eat and eat and the more and more I just can't get it together. Even with the working out and the running nothing happens, except I get fatter and fatter and uglier by the minute, that's how I feel. Depression hurts and it makes you feel bad about yourself especially when others are talking about you.

I still look to God for answers and help and strength and some days I have it and some days I don't. Even though the medication is helping me to ovulate i don't know what's going to happen next.

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