Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fertility Yoga

I have been practicing yoga for just about a year now and I really really like it. of course with all of the online research that I have done over the past year about infertility and conception I did come across fertility yoga. i never really looked into it more until recently.

Yoga really does help relax the body and is supposed to help get rid of toxin in the internal organs and also strengthen the body. different poses are said to assist with not only different muscle groups but different organs as well. And there are specific poses that can help with the reproductive organs. A lot of poses that can help with fertility are restorative poses and not crazy twists and hand stands and stuff, they are easy and relaxing, at least that is what I have found when I researched some poses that could help.

I can't tell you that I'm 100% into the holistic approach to fertility after going to the chiropractor for almost a year with no such luck in conceiving but I do really enjoy yoga so why not try some of these poses out on days where I do not attend yoga class. Here are some of the poses that I have found, these are very easy to do and you can be a total beginner to do them.

Legs up the wall pose: Laying on your back you want your bottom right up against the wall with your legs straight up the wall arms are typically over head or in a comfortable position for you. Once your pelvis is in the correct position then you can relax your legs letting them bend and you can stay here for at least 20 minutes, its very relaxing. However there are some yoga poses that you do not want to do if you are menstruating and this is on of them.

Supported bridge pose: We all know the bridge pose that you use to do in gym class. laying on your back feel flat on the floor knees bent. Gently lift your pelvis up in the air. Face should be looking up and arms should be on the floor. Stay in this pose as long as it is comfortable for you. And then gently low your hips back down to the ground.

Cobra pose: You should be lying on your belly with feet together. Hands should be placed close to the body under the shoulders. On your inhale you will push off your hands and extend your arms pushing your chest and head off the floor. This pose is a great stretch for the abdomen.

Wide angle pose: You should be sitting on the ground legs wide apart. You do not want to stretch your legs to much they should just be in a comfortable position.  Then you will lean forward as far as you can. With each inhale and exhale you can try and bend further forward as far as you can go. Once you have gone as far as you can go you want to gently push yourself back up into your seated position.

There are many other position that can be helpful to increase your fertility and there are many books and DVD's that you can purchase as well. If you are like me and money is a little tight you can always go on YouTube and search for fertility yoga and there are a lot of good videos that will come up and you can follow along with those videos while you try the poses.

Now I'm not sure that yoga helps with fertility or not but I do know that I enjoy it and I will keep up with it no matter what!

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