Monday, June 6, 2011

Chiropractics for Conception...

Just under a year ago I went to an employee development workshop at my place of employment, I don't remember the exact title but it was something to do with work/life balance and reducing stress. It was put on by a Chiropractic clinic in Carmel, Indiana. The two doctors that spoke gave some good advice and also some that I thought was a little cooky... During their presentation that spoke about how the nervous system works and how if you spine is out of line then your body is unable to "speak" properly to those parts of your body where the nerves are being cut off due to spinal sublexations. The said that if the spine is corrected with chiropractic adjustments then the nerve flow would be better and it can help your internal organs work better. Including your ovaries and reproductive organs. This really got my attention as I was ready and willing to try anything that could help us have a baby.

The clinic was offering a 20 dollar initial exam and x-rays and the 20 dollars would go to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, as I work for a company who makes diabetes home monitoring kits) So I thought to myself why not give it a shot. It's 20 dollars that goes to a good cause and maybe just maybe this was a sign from God that I should do this in order to help us conceive.

Both Chiropractors that spoke told stories of their own wives and how they were having trouble conceiving and even had several miscarriages. Once they started getting adjustments regularly they were both able to conceive and have happy healthy babies. This really got my attention because that is what I am longing for, just to have happy healthy babies of our own.

I went in to get my exam and then scheduled a follow up appointment to see the results. My husband came with me to see the ex ray's and everything. I learned that I had extreme forward head posture and that my spine itself was pretty straight just a little off at the bottom.

Now came the bad part... The cost. I figured that each visit would be like a doctors visit, You pay your co-payment if you have one and then if there is anything else needed they will bill you after they get the insurance payment... Well, boy was I ever wrong! They wanted me to sign a 1 year contract stating that I would receive treatment for 1 year and this was how long the Chiropractor thought it would take for correct the neck issues I was having. And... they wanted a TON of money every month. With all the bills I already had and just the amount of money I have to spend it gas to get to work we told the Chiropractor that we would not be able to start the treatment. Since he knew my story he was able to give me what they call a hardship price. Not that we are in a situation where we are having hardships but if we were to pay the amount he origianlly wanted then we would totally be in a hardship situation. Since he was nice enough to give us a price I could afford for the year of treatment I started with him the next week.

The first several months I had to go to the office three times a week for an adjustment and then spend 30 minutes doing rehabilitation exercises. Once that segment of treatment was over I was down to two visits per week and then after that segment one visit per week. Just a few weeks ago I had my 6 month ex rays done. My neck had went from a positive 12 degrees curve to a negative 37 degrees curve (negative 40 is normal for the neck).

However even with this great progress as you can see I am still not pregnant and I am starting to believe that Chiropractics is not going to be what helps us start our family. The only thing that it has done for me is to reduce the amount of headaches that i typically have. Usually I would have two or three a week and now I can gone over a month usually with out having one. That is great and all but my real reason for going there was to help with the nerve flow to my reproductive organs to help us have children and thus far that has not happened. I have 4 months left on my one year contract and then after that I plan on leave the office as I could really use the money that I am paying them for other things that are more important to me like my medications that are helping me to at least ovulation properly. We may not have conceived yet but I keep hope that even if we have to go as far as IVF we will have children of our own one day.

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