Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Feeling groggy but tomorrow is the day

The last few days haven't been the best for me. I have been tired, I have had head achs and my ovaries are so large that I feel them every time I move, they are so tender that I can't wait for tomorrow.

A lot of things are going through my mind. I'm trying to stay as stress free as possible. I'm ready for the next step tomorrow which is when the doctor will go in and get all the eggs that she can. I had a scan on Monday and there are about 30 follicles growing and the doctor said she thinks she should be able to get about 16 or 17 eggs. Not ever follicle is big enough to have a mature egg in it but 16 or 17 sounds like a good number to me, especially since they might not all fertilize and even if they do all fertilize they might not all grow as they should. I'm trying not to be anxious and just have faith that this is going to work for us and this is what God's plan was for us. I am so ready for tomorrow morning to see what we end up getting.

I also feel blessed to have tips and suggestion from a friend of mine who has just gone through IVF. It's nice to read message boards and everything but to know someone personally who has gone through what I am going through and it has worked for them is a great confidence booster! I'm thankful for all the time and advice she has given me and hope and pray that our outcome is just as good as hers and her husbands.

That's all for now, just saying some prayers that everything goes good tomorrow morning and that maybe after this I will start feeling better but today is the only day that I don't take any injections starting tomorrow we are on to the next round of shots and pills and patches!

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